Understanding Bi-LED Technology
The projector front headlight utilizes dual LED technology, allowing for both high beam and low beam functions from the same light source.
Conventional Projectors Vs Bi-LED Projectors
In projector headlights, the light emitted by the bulb is reflected by an elliptical reflector onto the lens, where the lens focuses and distributes the light. A shield is placed between the reflector and the lens to cut off some of the light beams.
By blocking some of the light beams, the shutter can help these headlights achieve a clearer cut-off line. Therefore, the beams are easier to aim, preventing dazzling other drivers.
The main difference between the Bi-LED projector headlight and a regular projector headlight is that in the Bi-LED lens, the shutter can move up and down. When the shutter is up, it blocks some of the light to create the low beam mode. When the shutter is down, no part of the light is blocked, and the headlight emits high beam.
Without Bi-LED technology, vehicles would need separate light sources for high beam and low beam headlights.
The advantages of the Bi-LED projector lens
In comparison to other types of automotive headlights, Bi-LED technology offers numerous advantages, including:
Improved energy efficiency Bi-LED technology is more energy-efficient compared to halogen and xenon projector headlights, credited to the inherent efficiency of LED technology.
Having dual LED projector lenses means each headlight can produce high beam and low beam. And since there’s no need for a separate high beam system, the headlight housing can be more compact. Also, projector lenses are typically more compact than reflector headlights.
Better visibility Compared to reflector mirrors, projector lenses can create a more uniform beam pattern. Since high beam and low beam use the same light source, the light quality remains consistent. This enhances visibility at night.
Reduced glare and a distinct cut-off line enable headlights to be accurately aligned below the line of sight of oncoming drivers, promoting road safety.
Numerous drivers perceive projector headlights as appearing more contemporary and capable of enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the vehicle.
The primary characteristics of projector lenses are
Dual LED projector lenses may vary in design, yet these headlights consistently incorporate specific functions. These include:
1.Brightness: Dual LED projector lenses have LED chips built in. Additionally, the lens enhances the light emitted by the LED chips before projecting it onto the road surface, ensuring a consistent intensity even at the edges.
2.Beam pattern and light distribution: Bi-LED projector lenses have a distinct cut-off line in their beam pattern. This is because the light is blocked before reaching the lens, shaping the light pattern. This also means precise control over the light distribution in front of the vehicle.
3.Durability: Dual LED lights have a longer lifespan compared to dual xenon and halogen lamps. This is attributed to the durability of the LED technology used in these car headlights.
To be continued